All the Beautiful people


That is what I have!
My website has been a total pain in the arse...mainly due to the craptastic host that I was using
*cough* *cough* They are as completely idiotic as they are inept!
Absolutely NOTHING has gone right...not one thing!
I had my entire shopping cart set up with all products, descriptions, pictures, everything ad somehow the interwebz monkeys ate all but 6 products. So I am re dong all of that. My Template refuses to work and no one can figure out why. I have a generic/ugly temporary template up while that gets sorted out.
And now my domain keeps jumping back and forth between my old host and my new one and so I cannot log into my new admin panel only the temporary so none of my pictures are showing. So that means no income but no less work. *sigh*
I've had 12 hours sleep in the past 4 days and I feel like I've gotten nothing accomplished except further behind!
I'll be back to regular posting as soon as I get this settled and orders shipped.
*sob*   *whine*  *bitch*   *moan* 


  1. Dislike... ;-( I hope they do something soon about everything for you!!

  2. :( I'm so sorry. I hope you can sleep soon!

  3. Hang in there, take it one step at a time. First and foremost though, you need to take care of yourself! *Squishes*

  4. Oh my gosh. *hugs* I hope it works out soon and YOU GET SOME SLEEP!

  5. oh i'm's a pain in the ass..I hope it will fix asap!

  6. ARGH! I hate when computer stuff doesn't work! It makes me want to break stuff!

  7. Maybe you should install zencart and use one of their templates tweaked for the site. It's really easy to use and open source/free. It'd save you time and would keep the website more consistently formatted


Please comment, I love hearing from you all! XOXO