All the Beautiful people

A little help from my friends

I really want to change my blog over to a 3 row format (it seams crowded right now)
but I do not want to switch to a backfround layout that I don't love.
So if any of you, my super amazing friends know of either how to switch my currant layout to a 3 row or if you know of a place with my style of premade 3 row layouts, I would so greatly appreciate your help!

Thank You!


  1. Hi!
    Do you know how to work in html?
    I inserted one column in one of my blogs by following a tutorial, and it was very easy!
    If you want to, i can translate it to you.

  2. I am HTML retarded, I can copy and paste into HTML but that is my limit.

    If you can translate I would be thrilled.

    you can send to my regular email in my profile.

    You are a doll!

  3. I used this to change mine to 3 columns. There are also some good backgrounds that you can use too.

  4. Ok, Contests and Such has done it! :D

  5. I'm going to try this and see if it works! Cross your fingers!!!

    Thank You!

  6. I used the same thing as Contests & Such! Beware though, you may need to change your background too!

  7. LMAO! I got it to work now if I can figure out the rest of the world I'm good!

    Thank You all for your help!!!!

  8. whoo hoo! looks great! when you figure out the rest of the world part, please clue me in!!!! lol

  9. Diane I promise as soon as I figure out the rest of the world I'll post it on my blog for you! :)


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