All the Beautiful people

I am still sick and feverish

I'm sorry I just can't crop and watermark tonight.
Good news is that you all wore me down with emails wanting me to sell my Nightmare franken....
You win!
They are veeeeeerrrrry limited because most of what is used to make this little guy is discontinued HTF's so I used up all of my backups to put these out for you, cuz I love you and you're very persistant. lol
Here is the direct link to Nightmare
Please be sweet and don't buy them all up for yourself....leave some for your friends!

I hope I'll be able to do a real post tomorrow!
Hugs and stay cootie free!


  1. WooHoo! Just bought my bottle. Dude! I have a thing for odd numbers so you need to make another one so I have three. Ha! Feel better honey!

  2. I bought 2 bottles :)
    I might giveaway the 2nd one if you don't mind. You really deserve being promoted! Your such a sweetheart!

  3. Oh gosh, I didn't see this post before purchasing.  I wanted to get a couple for upcoming blog giveaways.  Is it possible (if you have them) to include a business card of yours with my order though?

  4. Hooooookay so this was my excuse to make that order I've been delaying haha =D

  5. wow this is stunning color... i hope u will feel better soon hon.. xoxo

  6. Yay! I had to snag it! It just looks so awesome! I can't wait to wear it!

  7. Yay!  I just placed my order!  XD

  8. I am the saddest Skulda on the planet.  They were sold out when I finally saw the post. :'(

  9. I added it to my cart but I hope it didn't sell out before my order was processed & payment received. And I only bought 1 for my lonesome :) which I'm sure is what those ppl who bought the limited amounts of full size UDPP @ HauteLook for $4.50 DIDN'T do. SMH. Yup, this lovely duochrome holo really forced my hand in making an earlier ES purchase than I originally planned (but am nonetheless eager to receive).

  10. Darn I was too late. It was so hectic at work today - I had to wait until I got home. Boo! It looks so amazing though! 

  11. wow!  i missed this!  that's what i get for falling behind on my blog reading.

  12. *sobs* I was too late...

  13. cry, I was too late too, ah well!

  14. Hooooookay so this was my excuse to make that order I've been delaying haha =D

  15. Oh gosh, I didn't see this post before purchasing.  I wanted to get a couple for upcoming blog giveaways.  Is it possible (if you have them) to include a business card of yours with my order though?


Please comment, I love hearing from you all! XOXO