All the Beautiful people

Blog sale blog?

I've been meaning to post this for a while.....I keep forgetting!
Steve contacted me a while back asking (love that he asked) if he could add my blogsale page to his new blog....A blog that's purpose is basicly to be a huge list of Blog sales. How great of an idea!
Go check it out here and if you have a blogsale page or a sale coming up...let him know so he can add it to the list. Or go shop.
I will add the blogsalelist blog to my blogg roll so you can find it when you need to go looking for goodies!


  1. Thanks for the endorsement :) 

    >>love that he asked

    For the sake of honesty, let me mention that this was a lesson I had to learn the hard way. Which is embarrassing, because I have other blogs where I've ranted angrily about companies that force things on you, and then say you can opt-out, rather than just asking if you want in on their deal. And then the first chance I had to choose which way to go, and I did the same thing, until some folks set me straight. And I've been kicking myself ever since that I got off on the wrong foot with some people during my first week or so with this blog.

  2. Thanks for the endorsement :) 

    >>love that he asked

    For the sake of honesty, let me mention that this was a lesson I had to learn the hard way. Which is embarrassing, because I have other blogs where I've ranted angrily about companies that force things on you, and then say you can opt-out, rather than just asking if you want in on their deal. And then the first chance I had to choose which way to go, and I did the same thing, until some folks set me straight. And I've been kicking myself ever since that I got off on the wrong foot with some people during my first week or so with this blog.


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